5 Unconventional Ways To Save Money

Many sites will list ways that readers can save money from decreasing expenses, using coupons, and utilizing different rewards credit cards. However, there are other ways an individual can save money that are left of center but still just as effective. Below we explore 5 unconventional ways to save money (and have fun at the same time!):

1. Turn grocery store samples into a meal:

While grocery stores may hope that you will buy the cheese cubes they are sampling, you are under no obligation to buy that gouda or cheddar. Nor are you obligated to take just one, measly cube. Rarely, do grocery stores put up signage that forbids taking more than one sample? So bring Tupperware (a lot of Tupperware if you’re at Costco) and stock up.

2. Go on as many dates as possible:

For all those nay-sayers that believe you can’t go out for dinner when on a budget, I say, think again. With the marvelous advent of the dating app, you can quickly find dates and meals. Just remember to question them about their job, salary, and 401(k) situation to make sure they will be more than comfortable footing your lobster ravioli filled meal. Also, it’s the 21st century, and I say this works no matter what gender you are.

3. The sidewalk is your shopping mall

Rather than trying to sell their prized possessions on eBay or Craigslist, many people prefer to leave their old things on the sidewalk for either the garbage man or someone passing by to pick up. Everything is a free game from tables and chairs to bookshelves and lamps. Mattresses are the only exception: for the love of everything sanitary and good, do not go to bed on a sidewalk mattress. You will find a cockroach in it I guarantee.

4. Find bars and restaurant with free food

Many bars and restaurants will provide you with free food before or after your order. Take advantage of that free bread basket or the free chips and salsa. Fill your tank with the free stuff so you don’t have to pay as much for the food that costs actual money. Some restaurants and bars are pretty crazy in what they offer for free; for example, my local bar gives me a free pizza every time I order a drink. I know you wish you were as blessed by the pizza gods as I.

5. Put together a clothing trade

No one ever really needs to shop. We’re just bored with our current clothes and want to wear some new threads. An easy way to do so, without spending any money, it to host a clothing exchange with your friends. Have everyone bring a bag or two of clothes that they are willing to part with or rent out for a while, then go ‘shopping’ and find a new wardrobe for yourself.